February 27, 2011

Life Experience Matters

Women make up about 20 percent of todays military. With increased operations, female Soldiers are stepping up to take on some of the roles traditionally filled by males, such as providing unit and convoy security. Some units, including military police, are using an increasing number of women for patrols outside their bases.

I decided to serve my country in a time of war or peace. I sacrificed time with family and friends. I moved a long way from home in some instances. I never dreamed I would do so many things when I made the decision to join the military. I met many dedicated people along the way. I served because I wanted to travel across the county and abroad to represent the goodness of this land and the freedoms for which we stand were important enough for me to have sacrificed a part of myself. I not only did it for me, I did it for those who did not share my beliefs and those who were unable to serve but wanted to. It did not matter to me that it was an uphill battle to make a difference in this world--as a woman, as a military member or as a citizen. Regardless of the challenges and conflicts, each of us raised a hand to take the oath of enlistment to the U.S. military. I raised my own hand and proudly stated:

"I, Catharine Jewel Square, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to do the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

My military service began in August 1989 in basic training at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas. I was appointed leader, door chief of my squad. I went on to Tech School in Aurora, Colorado. I returned to my duty station Fort Worth, Texas to continue my Reservist duties. On June 15, 1995 I was honorably discharged.

Although my service was short, I think I made an impact on the many men and women I met along the way. I'm proud of my military service and pay homage to the women that came before me.

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